I’ll probably post an apology for the language in the heading and the body of this post, but right now I don’t feel like I need to apologize. “Progressive Pukes” sounds about right!

What is this crap we are getting from our universities? Protesting against Israel for protecting its borders and its people against murderous terrorists? This has been common tactics by the Communist factions in our government, Universities, grade schools and even many of our Protestant churches since the end of the Korean War and the rise of Mao Tse “DUNG”

This is a result of the old Soviet Union, (or the new Russian Empire nowadays), Communist China and all their brain-addled totalitarian allies like North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, along with all the other Totalitarian regimes aligned against the freedom-loving West. Obviously, that includes all the violent Jihadists such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the old PLO, Syria, and all the Narco-Terrorists in Latin America like FARC the FLAN, the Shining Path Guerillas, etc. Many of those Latin American Narco-Terrorists swill and swallow Maoist and/or Marxist vomit.,

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