There’s much that can be said for the civil reformation aspect of the post Korean War period in the US, up until the violent militaristic activity of the Weather Underground sponsored by the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) of the 60s and 70s. That goes for The Black Panther Party as well, among others.

Revolution was in the air, mostly covertly promoted by the Soviet Union and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). We (the US) have a legitimate and efficacious internal means of restructuring our government, it’s called regular, open (to citizens), and transparent elections coupled with the option of Constitutional Amendments. The use of violence to influence our political process is, and should remain, a serious crime. If you think I’m fear mongering when it comes to violent foreign hegemonic influences in US politics, you need to take a more serious look at 20th century World history, including the jihadist aspect of those influences. Joseph McCarthy was actually onto something. He certainly went too far, but he was on the right trail.

Radicalism isn’t part of my vocabulary, except when it comes to objective reality. If we (humans) can’t agree that objective reality is accessible to ordinary human beings, and that we will eventually be able to come to terms in a functional way to govern ourselves on at least a semi-continental scale, then what’s the point of the struggle? I just dont believe we are eternally doomed to brutality and bloodshed as a species.

Finally, one thing has been made manifestly clear over the last 100+ years however, Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, Maoism, Castroism, all have been utter failures.

Signed: The Hoary Headed Heathen (Ghost Writer for Bubba Mike)

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