If it was required for me to actually “like” a political candidate, I would probably never vote. But as I’ve said before, if DJT runs and wins the GOP primaries, I will support him, sleazeball or not. He still beats any of the baby killing, lying scumbags in the DNC. I use that harsh language based on the DNC platform of abortion on demand, marriage and divorce on demand, and a consistent public record of covertly targeting the middle class while pretending to protect the poor and needy. The DNC are increasingly revealing themselves to be over-privileged snobs (elitists). Yes, DJT is a multi-millionaire, and he bears much in common with a carnival huckster, but he still beats the hell outta any DNC prospect, based on the DNC agenda alone.

If I had been alive during the Great Depression, I might have been tempted to vote for Huey Long, one of the more corrupt DNC governors in the US at the time. Most folks actually believed he was sincerely for the common man, and his record indicates the veracity of that belief. The difference between Huey Long and most other DNC candidates is that he actually kept many of his campaign promises.

My thoughts (below) on the DNC and corporate America need a bit of explaining; what I mean by saying there is a love affair between the DNC and US industry and commerce is that the DNC would just as soon nationalize US industry and commerce, thereby Socializing the largest sectors of our economy under government control. While DJT is pro corporate America, he would never agree to Socializing our economy to that extent; DJT is a free market capitalist while much of the DNC are moving more and more toward a state controlled economy.

So, my analogy between DJT and Huey Long is based on my opinion that he (DJT) is sincere in his intentions to support the common man, regardless of how crude and crass he is on a personal level. But the discrepancies are glaring, Huey Long had a huge hard-on for corporate America, DJT and the DNC have much more in common in their support for big business. At least DJT is honest in that respect while the DNC lies through their teeth. The difference being, as mentioned above, DJT supports a free market economy while the DNC supports a Socialist (government controlled) economy. Nationalizing the country’s economy (and revenue centers) is the closest you can get prior to becoming full fledged National Socialists (aka NAZIs).

[NOTE: For me, both John Goodman and Sean Penn did excellent jobs in each of their renditions of Huey Long. The original movie with Broderick Crawford was a “reel” winner too. Please see the links below.]

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